Do you believe that your future is shaped by your DNA? 

SK-II believes that a woman’s destiny is created by herself and not determined by her DNA. 

Misa Kuranaga, currently the Principal Ballerina of the world-renowned Boston Ballet, is the perfect example and how she changed her own destiny is featured in the video above.  

 Her rise to the top was fraught with challenges along the way. She was told she did not have the physical attributes of a ballerina. Standing at just 156cm, her critics opined that she was too short to stand out on stage and her hips were too narrow for the art of ballet.

Instead of giving up, she re-learned how to use her body and trained it to move extremely fast so as to stand out. She had to work doubly hard as her peers were much younger, but not once did she give up. Her hard work and perseverance eventually paid off. 

It’s all in the mind, they say.  Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right. A positive mind leads to positive results and having a can-do spirit can help us to overcome any obstacles that come our way.  

Indeed, Misa Kuranaga’s story serves as an inspiration to all of us. Watch the video to find out how she changed her destiny and how you can change yours too.

**This post is sponsored by SK-II, but as always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.