Blackmores – Australia’s leading natural health company

When you mention Blackmores, health supplements naturally come to mind. No wonder, since this leading natural health company has been around since 1932 and is very much a household name. Founded by naturopath Maurice Blackmore in 1932, the brand combines traditional naturopathic expertise and scientific research with the aim of achieving optimal health and wellbeing. To date, Blackmores is available in 17 markets!

As one of the most trusted brands in the industry, Blackmores’ vitamins, herbal and mineral supplements as well as nutritional foods use only premium ingredients sourced from around the world and are produced based on Australia’s strict manufacturing standards. Did you know that they use sustainable packaging and focus on waste reduction practices too?

Now, were you aware that Blackmores has a skincare range as well? Blackmores Vitamin E Cream was launched in 1978 and has become a mainstay in the brand’s suite of products.

What’s special about Blackmores Vitamin E cream?

Ever since I gave birth, I’ve been experiencing random bouts of dry spots and eczema on my body. It appears that the hormones have wrecked havoc on my skin. Besides relying solely on eczema creams that are usually high in steroid content, I’ve decided to take preventive measures by moisturising my skin regularly.  With skin loving ingredients such as natural vitamin E, avocado oil and apricot kernel oil, I can always trust Blackmores Vitamin E cream to come to the rescue!

I love that this moisturizer can be used on both my face and body. It’s soothing and moisturizing, perfect if you sleep in air-conditioned rooms like yours truly. Natural Vitamin E provides antioxidants to the skin’s cells and conditions your skin at the same time, while avocado oil nourishes your skin and protects it from dry climates. Apricot kernel oil, on the other hand, helps sustain and nourish your skin, keeping it hydrated at all times. Most importantly, it is 100% made in Australia without any artificial colouring or fragrance.


Lanolin is another skin-loving ingredient in this product that packs a punch. Did you know that Lanolin has similar functions to our skin’s natural sebum? Both Lanolin and sebum act as a protective barrier on the skin to prevent the skin from becoming dry and brittle due to dehydration. Lanolin is purified secretion from sheep’s sebaceous glands and is commonly found in sheep wool. Its fatty acids reduce the evaporation of water from the deepest layers of the skin. Now, that’s the secret to silky soft and smooth skin.

Simply massage a small amount into your skin after cleansing. I use it twice a day for optimal results. The cream absorbs readily into your skin and feels absolutely lightweight. My skin feels soft and supple immediately, and after using it for a week, I find my dry spots are more hydrated too. The handy packaging also made it a breeze to pack it in my luggage for our recent staycation with baby R!

And this is how I apply my skincare everyday – with baby R in tow. I wanted a photo by myself but she kept fussing until I held her up. As you can see from her pose, she wanted to be in the frame as well. Perhaps she knows she’s the cause of my dry skin? 😉

If you’ll like to try this skin cream for yourself, click here to register for Blackmores Singapore and Sample Store’s By-Invite Sampling today!