There’s nothing more important than being in the pink of health. I guess the current Covid19 situation really puts things in perspective. While prevention is always better than cure, it makes perfect sense to have a stash of medicine on standby, because no one can predict when they’ll be under the weather. Since perhaps a decade ago, I have always stocked up on Leftose in my medicine cabinet as I’m prone to sinus and that often leaves me with phlegm and a sore throat. I need relief fast to prevent the onslaught of a full-blown cough and Leftose does just that. Formulated with Lysozyme, a natural enzyme derived from eggs that is also found in the human body (tears and saliva), Leftose is a 2-in-1 natural, non-drowsy remedy for chesty cough and sore throat. It effectively relieves throat inflammation and breaks down phlegm, thus promoting throat comfort and supporting clear airways.
Leftose Tablets

Did you know that this proven formula has been trusted by adults and children around the world for more than four decades? I like the pint sized Leftose tablets which are a breeze to swallow and also carry around with me. I used to bring them along with me whenever I travel pre-covid19 days. The best part about Leftose is that I usually never have to take more than 3 tablets to fully recover from a bout of sore throat. Plus, the non-drowsy formula ensures that I can still go about my daily activities without dozing off.


Leftose Syrup

As a mum to a 2 year old toddler, I’m always on the lookout for safe yet effective medication and I’m so glad that Leftose comes in syrup form for my daughter. Suitable for children from the age of 1 onwards, it is formulated with 0.5% lysozyme and boasts a naturally sweet taste that goes down well with Rhapsody. It also comes with stickers to perk up your little one’s day.
Leftose Lozenges

Now, if you’re a mum as well, and yelling at your kids during the circuit breaker period is leaving your throat parched and inflamed, you’ll be happy to know that besides tablets, Leftose offers lozenges (also formulated with lysozyme) in blackcurrent and honey lemon flavours to soothe and dissolve the nasty phlegm in your vocal passages. The honey lemon flavoured lozenges are my personal favourite. If your child is able to suck without choking, he or she can take it too as it’s sugar-free!


Where to get Leftose

As we are in the middle of a pandemic, I would highly recommend stocking up on medications such as Leftose. After all, we want to avoid making trips to the clinic, unless it is absolutely necessary right? Leftose is readily available at pharmacies such as Watson’s, Unity and Guardian. ** Disclaimer: Do note that as lysozyme used in Leftose is derived from eggs, this medication is not suitable for individuals with egg allergies.