Everyone around me, including myself, seems to be going through a rough patch this year. Just when I thought nothing worse can happen, each subsequent event just seems to get worse progressively. I like to focus on the positive side of things but nothing seems to be going smoothly lately. However, as long as we have faith, I believe we’ll all get to see the light at the end of the tunnel very soon.

My friend Keith is missing at sea (you would probably have read it in the papers) in the Pulau Aur boat accident. I feel very sad because he is a good friend of mine since my SMU days and he actually came to mind when I saw maple leaves while travelling in Europe because he once sent me a letter enclosed with a maple leaf when he was on student exchange. I was thus thinking of arranging lunch when I got back to Singapore just to catch up as it has been a while since we last met.

My friends and I have been praying for his safe return to his wife and baby and I really hope the Malaysian authorities will agree to the search extension that Singapore requested for.

I would be very grateful if you could join me in praying for my friend. He wore a life jacket when he swam away from the pack towards a fishing boat, so I believe there’s still hope!

Come back soon, Keith!